We are happy and proud! On the first try Data Management 365 passed necessary and extended tests from our colleagues at Uppsala Monitoring Centre. We are now a part of the WHODrug vendor program!
Our system allows you to code using WHODrug dictionary without transfer terms from the system. We have created a fully new and validated browser that performs standard functions and also extended its functionality, which allows to reduce manual coding time by 30% on average. The speed of work is really astounding. The most complex request to the dictionary works no more than 0.17 second! Moreover, we continue to work with the Uppsala Monitoring Centre to integrate our system with artificial intelligence services for automated coding and very soon will delight our clients again.
To start coding in mainEDC™ using MedDRA, ICD, ATC, Vidal, and other dictionaries as well as WHODrug please contact support@mainedc.com (for most dictionaries you will need a license).
To get a demo of our new coding browser, please email contact@datamanagement365.com
Data Management 365 Presents MainEDC™ AI Coder: A Revolutionary AI-Based Tool for Clinical Research